Quality management
We live quality
Our quality management satisfies the requirements of the international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. It goes without saying that we ensure capability, security, reliability and accuracy in accordance with the quality requirements demanded by our customers. We continually review and document the effectiveness of all our QM system requirements.
Our customers and suppliers are our partners. In Sales and in Purchasing we cultivate respectful relationships and place great value on mutual information, communication and transparency. Only in this way can all involved live up to the high quality requirements.
Our employees are our capital. Every day they are confronted with new challenges, which require a high degree of flexibility and identification with the products. Personal responsibility and innovation are high priorities at createch ag. We have established an internal training program by which we continually check the capabilities of our employees and promote selective further education. Tasks and competences are assigned to our employees on the basis of a system of levels.